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India by the Bosphorus

A Festival of India in Turkey

Turkey, at the cusp of Europe, Asia and the Middle East, is a land of enigma, rich in the legacy of its history and art. For centuries, Turkey has seen many civilizations come and go and in that way is as dynamic as India in its venerable and ancient roots in the wrappings of a vibrant culture. Both countries are replete now as they were before with unmatched traditions in music, cuisine, art and architecture.

It is only fitting then that a celebration of India and Turkey salutes this indomitable cultural spirit which has withstood the trials of both history and time: India by the Bosphorus will showcase the consonance between the two countries through diverse expressions of art creating a space for rich dialogue and multi-faceted cultural exchange.



The arts of India are unrivalled in their depth, diversity and mystery and showcasing it to global audiences requires a deep understanding of our culture, an acute sense of relevance in programming and an unflinching attention to detail. Above all, we at Teamwork believe in love and respect for the artist.

Teamwork Arts is a highly versatile production company with roots in the performing arts, social action and the corporate world. Our expertise lies in the area of entertainment and includes documentary and feature films , television, the conceptualisation and development of contemporary performing and visual arts and literary festivals around the world, and in nurturing new talents across all art forms. For over 25 years, Teamwork Arts has taken India to the world and brought the world to India, presenting the finest of Indian performers, writers and visual artists in the cultural and art space in India and abroad.

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